

Monday, July 02, 2007

Shrek the Third

Last few days, i went movie with a friend of mine to see "Shrek the Third".

Just thought of blog down a few things that i learn from that movie.
  1. If people said that you are bad, it may not mean that you are bad.
  2. The thing that stop you from becoming who you are, most of the time is yourself.
  3. Sometimes you just can't see things from the surface, at times when people might do something that you thought is bad, which they actually do it out of love and to protect you.
  4. The strength of unity if we can don't focus too much on ourselves but focus more on the group.
  5. Sometimes fear of something might be due to a past experience which might not be a real fear if we have the correct perspective.
  6. People who are "young" might be look at things base on the "appearance" which can be dangerous.
Disclaimer: this is just my personal opinion of what i learn from that movie.


c.y said...

nice photos put there. How did you put that up?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm....haven't watched it yet... sounds good~~

ET said...

yeah that is quite a nice show to learn from for me. :)