

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Importance of Obedience

That wild dog yesterday really scare me the whole night. I don't quite like dog but i'm scare of wild dogs. Cause i feel that it can be very crazy and out of control sometimes. Since it didn't go through any training or it will not obey to anyone. Some people might like dog who train or obey to the master, but i don't think there will be that much people who will like wild dog that no one knows what it will do the next moment.

That struck me a bit. Realising the importance of actually obeying to God and everything that God has instructed. It is not just obeying because i have to but obeying because i want to be train to walk in His ways. It is not very pleasant all the times, especially if i'm being discipline but it is required and good for me. God help me to continue to obey everything that you said.


Anonymous said...

I used to be really scared of dogs because I was bitten by a stray dog when I was four. Cos some muslim boys were beating the dog with sticks and it chased them. They ran pass me and the dog bit me. So *Sway right?

Got over my fear now though.

Anonymous said...

Hi Edna,
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the wild dogs. It's true how important it is to obey God, otherwise we'd be like that wild dogs where we can even kill someone with our tongue. GBU sis, boy.